baked ceramic, glue
november 2019 → march 2020

A pot is fabricated using ceramic. The following months, it is being broken then repaired using glue, again and again.
The number of hours spent while breaking and fixing the pot add up to 28.
The raw value of "the pot of the artist's economy" grows up as the number of hours spent does so. The raw value of a working hour is indexed on the 2019 french minimum wage (SMIC) : €10,03.
As he repeats the same gesture again and again, the artist is deprived of all freedom to create. (Re)creating the pot is comparable as working on an assembly line.
performance protocol

The performance 'chainpot' should have taken place at the art center "La Vitrine" in Limoges in spring 2020. Created as a continuation of "280,84", the action never happened because of COVID 19's restrictions.
Protocol : the artiste, hired by the art center to "break and fix" the ceramic pot, is considered as an employee for the duration of one whole day. No creativity is required of him. His task is part of a repetitive and alienating process. He is paid on the "break and fix" hour standard (indexed on the french minimum wage, SMIC 2020 : €10,15).

Click to see the "break/fix" action
download the protocol (PDF)
the pot of the artist's economy
Two performances to talk about the status of the artist, articulated around the object "pot", broken and then put back together again and again.