laughing terror
Why rebel oneself? What is the meaning of rising against things that seem unfair today? What an exhausting burden it is to stand against everything. Everything, everywhere, all the time... Indeed, the globalized system in which we live has spared nothing. It has contaminated everything. Rotten everything. How absurd to question even the slightest breath we take. And yet, each and every one of our acts is part of a chain of actions which, once deconstructed, reveals a great number of inconsistencies in our way of life.

Laughing Terror is a reaction to this tragic acknowledgement, both hilarious and frightened by the immense rollover to which it invites.

Doing collages of my hilarious and terrified face with images gleaned on the news and internet, I use a recurrent selfie pose, with all the symbolic meaning it conveys. Because this is how media is now being processed by most of us : through the reactions of others, then my hilariously terrified face and the emotions it carries is one way of seeing our contemporary world.
gironde 2022
qatar 2022
H.D. palme
one man show
special effects
big macs
Total is EACOPologicaly friendly!
shiny loot diggers
#travel #sun
big means for big men
la famille s'agrandit !
bonne blague Macron !
shiny loot enjoyers
these crave shiny stuff but they can only look at it
war heroes meeting
scary place where to loose money
money laundering machine
dirty cult of personnality carpet
cool guys meeting
just a casual lunch with friends
publicist humour
quality content (#ad)
fresh tomatoes
la bonne clim là, y fait chaud
uber eats your soul (and money)
svp faites le recyclage
enfin une initiative pour lutter contre les fortes chaleurs
cheap beer, frozen pizza and mostly fun!
buy stuff
tirer la chasse
Series of 37 digital collages
b&w prints on 96g paper, 25x14cm
wannabe shiny loot enjoyers